Our Services
Are You Protecting Your People And Business Interests?
Our Services Are Tailored To The Needs Of Your Employees And Are Proven To Drive Business Growth And Resilience.
Health and Wellbeing Services
In the demanding and ever-evolving labour market, employees are susceptible to conditions that can compromise their physical and emotional wellbeing. Prioritising the wellness of your staff helps drive business growth and optimised performance while reducing absenteeism and turnover. Innoteq is proud to offer targeted health services that support your employees holistically, including 24/7 GP consultations and health resources, nutrition advice and discounted gym memberships, and private, confidential helpline support.
Lifestyle Benefits
At Innoteq, we want employees to feel healthy and inspired. We recognise that a good work-life balance and access to affordable leisure activities are vital to maintaining work motivation and focus. With our highly competitive benefits package, you will drive talent acquisition and retention and enjoy the benefits of an appreciative workforce. Meanwhile, your employees will enjoy the gift of a premium yet sustainable lifestyle, with exclusive deals on popular brands, vacations and experience days.
Payroll Consultancy
Processing payroll is a high-pressure obligation that costs businesses an average of 80 work hours per annum, the equivalent of two full weeks of work. With Innoteq’s comprehensive payroll services, you will leverage your management resources and free up your finance team. We are responsible for everything from payroll processing and tax calculations, submitting RI to HMRC and verifying that your employees are paid accurately and on time. Moreover, we ensure that you are audited and fully compliant. Let us support you in driving real-time payroll processing efficiencies and alleviating the stress associated with this compulsory process.